Transform your mind and body with custom wellness and combat workshops, Tailored experiences for resorts, companies, and wellness professionals—crafted uniquely for your needs."

My practical workshops are designed so the participant undergoes an actual change during our time together. Each workshop gives the participant a new perspective along with practical tools to implement as needed later on.

Wellness Workshop

Our wellness workshops integrate Kung Fu, Tai Chi, Chi Kung, and meditation to enhance physical strength, flexibility, and mental clarity. Experience the power of ancient practices to reduce stress, boost energy, and improve overall well-being
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Combat Workshop

Combat workshops focus on self-defense, discipline, and inner balance, building resilience and confidence through mindful movement and breath control. Tailored for all levels, these workshops are designed to inspire personal growth and holistic health.
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My Book

Discover ancient wisdom and spiritual insights in "A Travel Diary." Grand Master Benyamini shares his extraordinary journey through old China, revealing timeless teachings that can transform your life.
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Contact us to learn more about our Teachers Workshop! Wellness Workshop! Combat Workshop!

Over 35 years of experience!

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certified teachers

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Our workshops are designed for anyone seeking to improve their physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. This includes individuals, wellness professionals, resorts, and companies looking to offer unique, transformative experiences. Whether you’re interested in stress reduction, self-defense, or personal growth, our tailored programs meet diverse needs and goals.

Workshops can be held at your chosen location, including resorts, corporate spaces, or wellness centers. We also offer remote options upon request. The duration is highly flexible and can range from a few hours to several weeks, depending on your specific needs and goals.

The cost of a workshop varies based on its duration, location, and level of customization. Please contact us directly for a detailed quote tailored to your requirements.


פוסט בלוג

למצוא את האלוהי שבאדם

קרה לכם פעם שדווקא כששמח, סביבכם מחלחל הצער? שבמיוחד כשהצחוק מתגלגל מסביב, חסר לכם הצחוק של האח שאיננו, החיבור המאושר של האמא והטפיחה של החבר

קרא עוד »
פוסט בלוג

פסח – אל תפסח על האחר

“כָּל דִכְפִין יֵיתֵי וְיֵיכֹל, כָּל דִצְרִיךְ יֵיתֵי וְיִפְסַח” (כל מי שרעב יבוא ויאכל, כל מי שצריך יבא וישתתף בסעודת הפסח) – מהמשפט הפותח של ההגדה. מבחינתי, משמעות משפט זה

קרא עוד »